Preferred app group type settings enhance user feed display

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > Preferred app group type settings enhance user feed display In line with our commitment to provide seamless and efficient experiences for Azure Virtual Desktop users, we've recently implemented Preferred app group type—an enhancement that improves how resources are displayed in the feed for users assigned to both RemoteApp and … Continue reading Preferred app group type settings enhance user feed display

App attach for Azure Virtual Desktop now generally available

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > App attach for Azure Virtual Desktop now generally available App attach for Azure Virtual Desktop allows IT admins to dynamically attach applications from an application package to a user session in Azure Virtual Desktop. In December 2023, we announced a public preview for some exciting new app attach features. … Continue reading App attach for Azure Virtual Desktop now generally available

Hibernation support now available for Azure Virtual Desktop

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > Hibernation support now available for Azure Virtual Desktop Today we are happy to announce the general availability of hibernation support in Azure Virtual Desktop. Explore additional capabilities that make it easier to save compute costs for your idle resources. Hibernation support in Azure Virtual Desktop In November 2023, we … Continue reading Hibernation support now available for Azure Virtual Desktop

Curated resiliency recommendations for Azure Virtual Desktop

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > Curated resiliency recommendations for Azure Virtual Desktop The Azure Proactive Resiliency Library (APRL) is a collection of best practices, recommendations, and scripts that help you improve the resiliency of your Azure Virtual Desktop environment. Incorporating the contributions of multiple subject matter experts around the globe, including Microsoft FastTrack and … Continue reading Curated resiliency recommendations for Azure Virtual Desktop

Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI now has autoscale

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI now has autoscale On February 2024, we announced the general availability of Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI, which extends the capabilities of the Microsoft Cloud to your datacenters and edge locations. Today, we’re happy to announce that autoscale support on … Continue reading Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI now has autoscale

Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI now available!

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI now available! Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI—now in general availability—extends the capabilities of the Microsoft Cloud to your datacenters. IT pros face a complex and challenging environment as they help their organizations move to the cloud, especially when the cloud … Continue reading Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI now available!

Announcing Public Preview of Confidential VMs with Intel TDX in Azure Virtual Desktop

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > Announcing Public Preview of Confidential VMs with Intel TDX in Azure Virtual Desktop We are excited to announce that Azure Virtual Desktop now supports the public preview of DCesv5 and ECesv5-series confidential VMs. These confidential VMs are powered by 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors with Intel® Trust Domain … Continue reading Announcing Public Preview of Confidential VMs with Intel TDX in Azure Virtual Desktop

New app attach features for Azure Virtual Desktop in public preview

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > New app attach features for Azure Virtual Desktop in public preview New app attach functionality for Azure Virtual Desktop is now available in public preview and should roll out over the next few days. App attach has had a major re-work with new and exciting features. Here's a summary … Continue reading New app attach features for Azure Virtual Desktop in public preview

Personal Desktop Autoscale on Azure Virtual Desktop generally available

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > Personal Desktop Autoscale on Azure Virtual Desktop generally available We are excited to announce that Personal Desktop Autoscale on Azure Virtual Desktop is generally available as of November 15, 2023! With this feature, organizations with personal host pools can optimize costs by shutting down or hibernating idle session hosts, … Continue reading Personal Desktop Autoscale on Azure Virtual Desktop generally available

Host pool provisioning now supported in Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI preview

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > Host pool provisioning now supported in Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI preview Azure Virtual Desktop is a cloud-managed virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solution offered by Microsoft to customers with desktop virtualization requirements. However, there can be data locality or performance requirements that warrant keeping your session hosts … Continue reading Host pool provisioning now supported in Azure Virtual Desktop for Azure Stack HCI preview

Announcing the new Azure Virtual Desktop Web Client User Interface

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > Announcing the new Azure Virtual Desktop Web Client User Interface We are happy to announce the general availability of the User Interface (UI) for the Azure Virtual Desktop Web Client. The new UI offers a cleaner, more modern look and feel. With this update, you can    Switch between Light … Continue reading Announcing the new Azure Virtual Desktop Web Client User Interface

OneDrive support for Azure Virtual Desktop RemoteApps in public preview

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > OneDrive support for Azure Virtual Desktop RemoteApps in public preview OneDrive is a robust but simple-to-use cloud storage platform for small businesses, enterprises, and everything in between. Unlike other cloud storage providers, most of the advanced enterprise-focused features in OneDrive are available for every subscription type, enabling organizations to … Continue reading OneDrive support for Azure Virtual Desktop RemoteApps in public preview

Azure Virtual Desktop Insights Powered by the Azure Monitor Agent

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > Azure Virtual Desktop Insights Powered by the Azure Monitor Agent We’re excited to announce that Azure Virtual Desktop Insights (AVDI) using the Azure Monitor Agent (AMA) is now generally available. The original version of Azure Virtual Desktop Insights utilizes the Log Analytics Agent, which is scheduled to in August … Continue reading Azure Virtual Desktop Insights Powered by the Azure Monitor Agent

Announcing general availability of Azure Virtual Desktop Custom Image Templates

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > Announcing general availability of Azure Virtual Desktop Custom Image Templates We are excited to announce that Azure Virtual Desktop Custom image templates is now general available in Azure Public Cloud and entering public preview in Azure Government Cloud and China.    Custom image templates allow admins to build a custom … Continue reading Announcing general availability of Azure Virtual Desktop Custom Image Templates

Azure Virtual Desktop Watermarking Support

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > Azure Virtual Desktop Watermarking Support Announcement: General Availability of Watermarking Support in Azure Virtual Desktop we are announcing the general availability for Watermarking support on Azure Virtual Desktop, an optional protection feature to Screen Capture that acts as a deterrent for data leakage.  This watermarking capability was first introduced … Continue reading Azure Virtual Desktop Watermarking Support