Announcing the new Azure Virtual Desktop Web Client User Interface

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > Announcing the new Azure Virtual Desktop Web Client User Interface

We are happy to announce the general availability of the User Interface (UI) for the Azure Virtual Desktop Web Client. The new UI offers a cleaner, more modern look and feel. With this update, you can   

  • Switch between Light and Dark Mode   

  • View your resources in a grid or list format  

  • Reset web client settings to their defaults 

How to access it 

The new client is toggled on by default on the web client, and the “preview” caption has now been removed from the toggle 


For additional information on the new UI, see What’s new in the Remote Desktop Web client for Azure Virtual Desktop | Microsoft Learn and New User Interface. 


Note: We recommend using the new client as the original version will be deprecated soon. We will share more information on that shortly! 

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