OneDrive support for Azure Virtual Desktop RemoteApps in public preview

Azure Virtual Desktop Blog > OneDrive support for Azure Virtual Desktop RemoteApps in public preview

OneDrive is a robust but simple-to-use cloud storage platform for small businesses, enterprises, and everything in between. Unlike other cloud storage providers, most of the advanced enterprise-focused features in OneDrive are available for every subscription type, enabling organizations to use OneDrive in whatever way benefits them the most.


Previously, OneDrive could only be used on Azure Virtual Desktop with non-persistent desktops and was not supported on RemoteApps.

With this new support, you can now use Microsoft OneDrive alongside a RemoteApp in Azure Virtual Desktop, allowing users to access and synchronize their files while using a RemoteApp. When a user connects to a RemoteApp, OneDrive can automatically launch as a companion to the RemoteApp.  The new support has the same features and usability as the OneDrive on your personal device.


Here you can see Feedback Hub opened as a RemoteApp and OneDrive is synced and ready for the same session:




The OneDrive support for Azure Virtual Desktop RemoteApps is currently only available with Windows 11.


Helpful Resources

Learn more about OneDrive here.

For additional information on what the pre-requisites are and how to install you can learn more from our documentation here.









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